

2014-09-25 武太白 选译 武太白英语教学

本篇选自《英语教学成功之道(Success in English Teaching)》(Paul Davies,Frank Pearse),上海外语教育出版社出版,第9、10页。

如同此前篇目,“教学金点子”(Teaching ideas)部分没有翻译,请老师们多看两遍。





Routine communicative activities

If you take all the natural opportunities to use English for communication in the classroom, you remind the learners of the main goal of the course. If you create additional opportunities, you send an even stronger message. If you do not take and make such opportunities, you send them the message that the purpose of the course is just to learn information about the language and pass tests. This means that many learners are likely to lose motivation and see English as just another compulsory subject in the academic curriculum.

One regular opportunity for an extra communicative activity is the ‘warm-up’ at the beginning of each lesson. Some teachers begin most lessons with a review of the language items practised in the previous lesson. This approach -- almost always starting lessons with a focus on language -- tends to make learners see the learning of language forms, structures, and rules as the main purpose of the course. The teaching seems to be directed towards short-term objectives only -- learning one item after another for the next test. Instead, you can start lessons with real communication in English.

Without focusing obviously on any specific language forms, engage the learners in a simple communicative activity, using language they already know. Here are some examples of communicative warm-ups. They are all suitable for elementary-level classes, but the last ones require more English than the first ones. They should each take from five to ten minutes.

Teaching ideas

--Go through a flexible conversational routine with the group, for example:

TeacherGood morning. How are you today?

LearnersFine, thank you. And you?

TSo-so. You’re happy this morning, Ana.

Ln1Yes...er...my birthday.

TAh, it’s your birthday! How old are you?


TCongratulations! Is there another birthday this week? No? Just Ana? Well...what’s the date today?

Ln2It’s Thursday, March 14th.

TRight. Who can write that on the board?

--Tell the group about a pet -- for example, the kind of animal, its name, size, color, age, and what it eats. Then say you -- or a relative -- have another pet, and invite the learners to ask questions, for example, ‘What kind of animal is it?’; ‘What is its name?’ Then write the start of a conversation on the board:

AHave you got a pet?

BYes, I have./No, I haven’t.

AHas one of your relatives got one?

BYes, my () has one.

Get the learners to talk about pets in pairs using the conversation on the board as a guide. Afterwards, ask about the most unusual pets.

The same basic idea can be used with other topics, for example, a neighbor, or a relative living in another city -- but asking about where they work or study, not what they eat! It can even be used abut a bicycle or car.

--Ask one or two learners about something they did last weekend using question-words like ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘who with’, and ‘why’. Then get learners to ask you about something you did last weekend. Finally, get the learners to talk in pairs, starting: “What was the most interesting thing you did last weekend?” The same idea can be used about other topics such as ‘on your last holiday’ and ‘last year’ -- or plans for next weekend.

--Distribute pictures cut out from recent magazines to pairs of learners. Get pairs to discuss questions such as who the people are, where they are, what they are doing, why they are in the news, and anything else the learners know about them.

A third way of emphasizing the communicative goal of a course is to include at least one communicative skills activity in every lesson. This may require a special effort on your part. The presentation, practice, and review of language items take up a lot of time in many courses, and your syllabus, course materials, and tests may make little or no provision for skills work. In that case, you will have to find activities yourself. It is important to respond to this challenge if your teaching is to be really effective.











